This post sets out some basic guidelines around the terminology we use to refer to the Seedcase Project and its component parts. The aim of these guidelines is to make the use of terms in our documentation clear and consistent. While they serve as a rule of thumb, individual judgement should be exercised depending on context.
- Seedcase Project:
- Always in proper case.
- Use this to refer to the project as a whole, including underpinning ideas and philosophy.
- Seedcase:
- Limit the bare use of Seedcase as a noun to cases where the project as a whole is referred to in very general terms (e.g. the idea of Seedcase initially formed…).
- Use Seedcase as a qualifier to restrict the meaning of a noun to a project-specific context (e.g. Seedcase team, Seedcase users, Seedcase software).
- Seedcase products / Seedcase software / Seedcase software products:
- Use these to refer to the software deliverables of the project collectively.
- Choose best fit based on context.
- Note that, in general, these phrases don’t take the definite article (i.e.
theSeedcase software).
- Seedcase framework:
- Use this to refer to the software deliverables which work together to implement core project functionalities as a single conceptual unit.
- Data Resource:
- Always in proper case.
- Use this to refer to the data layer of the framework and its contents.