In-person team meeting

Details and agenda for the first in-person team meeting.

Luke W. Johnston


October 26, 2022


  • Dinner on Oct 25th (details in invite)

  • 2-days at SDCA in Forum (rooms in calendar invite)

  • Aims of meeting:

    • Get to know each other.
    • Discuss and decide on how we will work together.
    • Discuss how we include others outside of team in contributing.
    • Brainstorm some potential names for the product.


The schedule is meant as a guide only. We might spend more time on some topics and less on others.

Day 1: Oct 26

Time Item
9:30 Introductions and overview of next few days
10:00 General onboarding for SDCA
10:30 🍵 Coffee, snacks, and break
10:45 Onboarding for project
12:15 🍴 Lunch
13:00 🚶Walking and chatting
13:30 How to effectively work together?
14:15 🍵 Coffee, snacks, and break
14:45 Continue from previous session
16:00 End for day

Day 2: Oct 27

Time Item
9:30 Sharing knowledge and skills
10:30 🍵 Coffee, snacks, and break
10:45 Continue previous session
12:15 🍴 Lunch
13:00 🚶 Walking and chatting
13:30 General project brainstorming
14:15 🍵 Coffee, snacks, and break
14:30 Discuss next steps
15:00 End for day


We can discuss or ask questions anytime throughout the 2 days. They can be on topic or off topic 😄


For project:

  • Overview of SDCA:
  • Overview of project:
  • Expectations:
    • Autonomy, flexibility in work and hours
    • Any side projects or other activities, maybe we can incorporate or help out
  • Tools critical to project:
    • Necessary for project: Git, GitHub, git branch-based workflow, Quarto, Markdown
    • Brainstorm later on for other necessary tools for whole team (e.g. communication)

Social activities

  • Walk around the area
  • Things to chat about:
    • Things you’d like to learn while in this job/project
    • How do you work best?
    • Things learned from previous positions that worked well or could be improved on

Working together

    • Git branch-based workflow (GitHub)
    • When do we work synchronously together and how often to do virtual meetings
      • What to cover during meetings or co-working sessions?
    • How does overall decision making and responsibility structure look like? To communicate to others outside team how we do things. For instance, while I’m in general responsible for overall plan and structure of project, others can also be involved in decisions since those contributing also have a stake in the project.
    • How do we want to work together and behave?
    • How to resolve conflicts?
  • Tools to communicate with each other or for project management
    • Which communication channels? (Discord/Slack/Zoom/etc)
    • What tools to use to manage project? GitHub issues/board? Trello?

Sharing knowledge and skills

  • How to share what we already know and what we learn?
    • For those inside and outside the team?
    • As blog posts? So we can eventually combine them into formal teaching material or some other documentation later?
    • Other forms of dissemination?
    • Improving each other with structured peer feedback sessions? (like I do with instructor peers)?
  • How to involve community (internal to SDCA as well as external)
    • Needs to be a recurring topic
    • How to actively and frequently do it? E.g. invite people to contribute or come to in-person meetings?
    • “Stakeholder investigation”

Project brainstorming

  • Brainstorm potential names and logos for project (other than DIF)
    • Some ideas in Issue #4, like GRID?
  • Do we make a new GitHub organization or use steno-aarhus?
  • Delegating/assigning tasks and next steps
    • Things to do between now and next virtual meeting?

Next steps

  • Next (virtual) session: Brainstorming architecture/design, list of tasks/milestones and who does what
  • Scheduling next session, when to do it?
  • Other items:
    • Setting up travellers profile, other things to make planning these events easier.



  • Can use CODEOWNERS to make explicit who is responsible for what code pieces
  • Describe copyright holder (AU), will need to contact them about this
  • Guidelines for writing commit messages
    • Maybe an automatic checker?
  • Commit often for smaller pieces of code
  • Connect to issue in commit message (with #NUMBER)
  • PR code review
    • Timebound? How long before merging?
      • Maybe once a week?
    • Smaller code changes per PR
  • “Meeting”-based code review
    • Usually for bigger feature or bigger change to the code
      • Maybe do it for a smaller milestone
      • We can do something like this for the analysis
    • Done on a PR that’s big, and focus on the changed part of code
    • Screen sharing if remote (which will be done usually)
      • Or if in person, don’t need a projector, can just do it on computer
    • For now only need to do it within team, maybe later include others to disseminate skills/knowledge
    • Look over the code before the meeting to best prepare for it
    • Explain about the why of the code in a few minutes
  • Meetings
    • Virtual:
      • Weekly update, aim for short ~30 min
      • Longer meeting for discussion and brainstorming of shorter/minor milestones, schedule when we need it
        • Also for showing other “stakeholders” aka Annelli and Alisa
    • In-person:
      • Important stage to discuss next steps, bigger milestones
      • When to schedule, not sure. Maybe use the in-person meetings as a “deadline” to push for finishing one milestone and to discuss the next milestone?
      • Good to brainstorm and get into things more


  • Simple for now, show who is on the team and their responsibilities
  • Decision making:
    • Voting? Once we’re larger scale.
      • Indicative vote: To get feedback from community but ultimately can decide by team but justify if the decision is against the feedback
        • And that it aligns with values/philosophy (as much as possible)
        • Feature to vote on based on votes (through Issues or?)
      • Vote based on willness to pay for it or some type of token?
        • Each person can have a limited number of points (e.g. 100 or 10 tokens), more points used for a given feature
        • Maybe also add features based on if requester will fund it/invest in it
    • For now, me and then soon will be team decisions.
    • And also, if you want it, do it? Do rather than ask
      • Like, the popularity of “addons”, depends on extensibility of Seedcase
      • We don’t have to incorporate something if someone submits a PR, but we’re more likely to if they do
  • TODO: Luke will start making it

Code of Conduct

  • Use the standard template, we can add more to it if needed.
    • When discussing (in general), focus on reasons and the beliefs/rationale for them, and avoid making the discussion personal.
  • To deal with potential conflicts:
    • To resolve bigger conflicts within team, first Luke then go to Annelli
    • If outside contributor (in violation of, or bordering it, Conduct)
      • Give warning once (in good faith)
      • Block after that
    • If internal contributor (but not the team)
      • First Luke, next go to Annelli (or Niels)


  • Another option is Google Chat
  • Discord?
    • Maybe better for longer term community
    • We’ll test out this option for now and reassess
    • TODO: Create Discord server for DIF
  • Project management:
    • JIRA? Cost? We can check it out
    • Trello? Can we integrate with GitHub? Can it be public?
    • Try out GitHub Project Board, reassess later

Sharing knowledge and skills

  • Kris would be interested in doing webinars
    • But also in making teaching materials
  • Informally share knowledge with demos during weekly meetings
    • Of something we’ve found or learned
    • But can schedule things in more detail at another day if there is interest
    • And if we think if it would be useful for others, we can decide if we want to expand to others and how (e.g. use the Steno media room)
  • Can do short blogs on some new things, doesn’t have to be much
    • First blog could be how to make a blog post
  • Structured peer feedback
    • May need to continually reassess how we implement this
    • One “continue doing” piece of feedback, one to two “to improve” pieces
    • Maybe at the end of in-person? Or once per year/half year?
    • Make sure to have a strong moderator
    • Emphasize neutral tone disagreement, continued with strong reasons
  • Kris and Annelli could be responsible for the “stakeholder investigation”
    • Internal (or external) Steno
      • Define who is the stakeholder here
      • Start writing out who might be interested and group them together
      • Plot on interest and influence scheme
        • Manage low interest, high influence
        • Each team member could plot them and see how they overlap
      • Then make some strategies to:
        • Keep engaged or only keep informed.
        • Or how to engage those who we think might be important but are probably low interest (aka very busy), high influence (IT, security, upper management)
      • Can also try to get more than just health people, also others like ecology etc
      • Also incorporate focus groups to get their feedback on functionality they think they might need
        • This will be later in the timeline
        • And then afterwards can send out an email about general themes that were discussed
        • Or thresholds/“red lines” we can’t cross or must not have (for features)
          • E.g. security, so might need to look into tools to check security
      • Might need to get feedback from security/privacy side early on
        • DPIA, we might need that
        • Maybe make sure to configure it in a way that it only works with DPIA compliant servers?

Project brainstorming

  • Keep with steno-aarhus GitHub repo for now
  • Names:
    • several ideas came up, related to seeds or nuts or scaffold or shell
    • Most of our ideas were already taken by similar data/software type companies/projects
    • Seedcase was one that we liked the most, we will use that one for now
  • Tasks:
    • Start adding issues and project (Luke)
    • Write out value and philosophy (Luke)
    • Look through other open source projects and see how their values and missions, and see how we can overlap (Kris)
    • Mapping out different databases that are available (Kris)
    • Map out other container software (Richard)
    • Why we use container software for project (Richard)
  • Misc topics:
    • Visualizing the underlying database:
      • Lucy Charts for making diagrams (of databases)
        • Is there a CLI for something like that for visualizing data inside Seedcase?
      • Graph Database? Focus on visualizing the database
        • Similar product is Neo4J?
    • Unit testing
      • “White-box testing”: Test all code inside package
      • “Gray-box testing”: Test user facing functions, e.g. testing mostly the API/function
      • “Black-box testing”: Testing UI, pretending to be the User
        • That’s something we’ll probably have to hire out?
    • Authentication:
      • Through eduroam/WAYF module?
      • Generic module to allow companies to modify to add there own thing?
      • What about for those outside of Denmark?
      • Authentication can be added optionally

Next steps

  • Richard could come every ~3 month for in person meetings
  • Next virtual Dec. 16th 1030-1330
  • At some point need to get Richard a traveler account?
    • Need to ask Charlotte about doing plane tickets for Richard…?

Misc ideas:

  • For next session, do input/output schematic showing functions etc when brainstorming, sketched out
  • Audience:
    • Two of them: users and contributors
    • Different “pitches” and documentation for different audience